Thursday, November 28, 2019

7 Home Remedies For Calluses on Your Hands That Anyone Can Use

Calluses can be painful if left untreated they get sore to the touch and at times  they can get infected.In today's video I would like to show you how to remove calluses on your hands.

First question is how do we get calluses?

Calluses happen when skin to friction happens over and over again in the same spot. Then after a while your skin will harden in a callus will form.

You can get them on your hands feet anywhere where you have friction to skin contact happening several times in that same area.

Calluses can be painful if left untreated they get sore to the touch and at times  they can get infected.

Here are some simple home remedies that will help you cure your calluses.

Apple cider vinegar does a good job when it comes to softening your calluses. All you do is simply mix some apple cider vinegar and some soapy water and apply to the affected area.

The second thing I found useful for treating calluses is slices of onion. You simply take the slice of onion place it on the callus and use a bandage to hold it in place let's sit overnight and then use a pumice stone to scrape off the loose skin.

The next home remedy I like to use is white vinegar. All you do is simply soak a cotton ball and some white vinegar and apply it to the corn or callus this will work for both.

Another good remedy is lemon wedges simply apply the lemon wedge or the juice from the lemon wedge basically to the area where the calluses let Set overnight hold in place with a bandage then repeat the process and use a pumice stone to scrape the loose skin off.

I hope you enjoyed today's video on home remedies for calluses on hands.

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